Put the pizazz back into your IT content

03 July 2019 | by Faye Marsden

The IT landscape is one of the fastest-evolving industries. Do the IT juggernauts still rule the roost, or are emerging brands stealing their thunder? Well - yes, and... yes. With so much competition in the world of Information Technology, innovation is key. But, what's the point of having the best products if nobody knows about it?

What's more, IT companies are notorious for having complicated product descriptions and jargon-rich marketing – whether it’s the latest Bluetooth headset, network hardware or CMS platform that you’re after, product information is often detailed, targeted specifically to product experts and difficult to understand for commercial teams that are less tech-savvy.

This doesn’t have to be the case. Clever content marketing can transform the perception, and clearly showcase the value of any product.

Here are a few tips to help you reinject pizazz back into your IT content...

1. Create sparkling content 

Have you ever looked at a product communication and lost interest half way? Don't pretend you haven't. Maybe it was too long. Too text-heavy. Too complicated. Too dull. Don't commit these cardinal content sins! Keep your marketing content light, fun and simple, and leave the heavy stuff for your datasheets and bottom-funnel materials. Let the key benefits of your products shine through – and remember to make it person-friendly at all times. Whether it’s a B2B or B2C communication, make it sparkle and keep it personable.

2. Create bite-size, easily digestible content

Make sure your product marketing is catchy, concise and easy to understand. Leave out the super-techy jargon and complex names, and structure product content in a format that is easy on the eyes – whether that’s bullet points, numbers, product benefits, reasons why people love it, and most importantly highlight the USPs. Which of the following is more attractive and engaging?

a) Prism SuperProtect is a next-generation cloud-based sandboxing NGFW platform that protects layer-4 network resources from malware, DDOS attacks, worms, trojans and other cyberthreats by combining powerful firewall technology with artificial intelligence to prevent zero-day attacks from infiltrating your network.


b) Protect your users, data and network resources with Prism SuperProtect, an IT security platform powered by AI that protects you from:

  • Malware
  • DDoS
  • Worms
  • Trojans
  • Zero-Day attacks

Sure - they don't quite say the same thing, but the sentiment is the same.

3. Create customer-first content

It's not always about you. It's too easy to get carried away and divulge all the information we have to our customers in one gluttonous bout. This might seem like the best way to push a product or service– but in reality, it’s not about how great your product is - it's about how your product can help them achieve their goals or solve their challenges. Put yourself in your buyer's shoes, strip back your messaging and really tell your customer the top opportunities your products deliver.

4. Create persona-led content

An IT manager is looking for very different benefits to an FD or CEO. Keep your message as targeted as possible depending on the personas you're targeting, and the marketing channels you are using. For example – if you’re selling an e-commerce platform to small businesses, speak to the challenges they face e.g. integration, simple cost structure and speed of set up. Small businesses often don’t have a technology expert who understands the ins and outs of the software, so highlighting features and opportunities that address their personal requirements directly is your best bet at nabbing a sale.

At Prism, we help IT and FinTech businesses around the world put the pizazz back into their product communications.

Don't be shy - reach out to us and let's discuss how we can help you reach out to your prospects and existing customers.



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