Marketing Automation Platforms: A Miracle or just a Challenge?

28 March 2018 | by Lee Marsden

Here at Prism Create we help many of our clients with Marketing Automation Platforms (MAPs). They tend to fall into four distinct categories: those who already have a MAP, those who are thinking of changing their MAP, those who’re looking to invest in their first MAP and even those who've never even heard of a MAP.

Is a Marketing Automation Platform right for my business?

We work with clients across the full spectrum of market leaders, and the number of platforms available to them is considerable. Whilst there are pros and cons for all of them, fundamentally it's not just a platform you're investing in, but a whole new way of conducting business. This means that there are many considerations you need to factor in when it comes to selecting the right marketing automation platform for you:

Man on phone standing in front of wall sign that says "productivity"

1/ Which Marketing Automation Platform is right for you?

Firstly, write out what’s important to you, your current business processes, your industry and any anomalies for your routes to market. Then match these requirements against the different platforms in the market.

2/ Do you need to review your available resources?

Be aware that you’ll need to invest in resources to learn to use and manage the engine, as well as create and populate any content required for your MAP to operate effectively (TIP - A good agency can also help you significantly cut down your time to market) - people constantly underestimate how much time they’ll need to invest to drive the best out of these platforms.

3/ Content is King - do you have enough?

It's not just one person's responsibility in an organisation to produce content. You should have a champion leading the charge, but everyone needs to embrace the journey and take an active part in it.

Two businessmen on phones

At Prism Create, our take on marketing automation is that as long as organisations align themselves with this marketing methodology with an open mind, success is soon to follow. Understand that you’ll need to invest not only money but also people and time into the journey you’re undertaking, then you’ll achieve the returns you’re looking for. Take the time to do your research and get to know the right platform for you and your business.

If you want to chat about Marketing Automation don't hesitate to contact us, we love to talk to people who are passionate about marketing and we know first-hand that technology + people + commitment really can make marketing miracles happen!



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